Monday, April 13, 2009

As i have saved the world i saw my self.

I grew and became aknew. Aknew in seeing what has always been, my potiencal,my inspiration,which was is and will always be Love in me-RLV realized in another-AMV.
Reality is a perception. So many speak in a seemingly complex world of words of the simplicity of just love every1one. I choose my reality to radiate Love, Kindness, peace,sharing and most of all openness of boundless love yet that is focased with boundries that support my focus desire for intimacy in the moment with all depth and total honesty that flows a universe of Divine Energy through and with in my being as it is in my intentions. I speak theses words thanking those who have without desire of asking back anything but to see my happiness and joy in my life. Including those in love their freedoms and cherish & protect all freedoms equally for all of life. All i write think feel see experiance choose is altimately for myself, in this self is a universal self, so as i choose healthy living, it effects the universal self of all. I release, disconnect to reconnect.Spring clearing, Spring Growing and reaffirming.
All is safe, i forgive those who choose to evolve and grow in respect.
Love in bloom is a love that never comes too soon.
I started this journey searching for love i will continue this journey in LOVE {Always & Forever}.4450 elenda st culver city,ca 90230 Ronald lee Vaught mail only financal support welcomed
I love the beauty in Nature, therefore it is only natural i Love the beauty in You.
Smell,drink,eat,see,feel,know the beauty in life.Its everywhere.
Ronald Lee Vaught /Dryads i call your support in life in union with all humanity.
Peace on earth, Love in our hearts for all no exceptions! Simply Love